Tuesday, October 9, 2012

Gifts for Declan!

Hello again!  People are starting to ask (ok have been for a while) on what to get Declan... And I never really know what to say! Because we really appreciate anything you want to bring us, no matter how big or small and more importantly we're happy you came to celebrate with us!! Seriously :).  Thank you! Due to last year and there being so many duplicate presents, a few people even suggested me doing a registry for this year lol, I'm not doing that, but if you remember to get a gift receipt I would appreciate it! And I felt bad for the people that bought duplicates and looked disappointed, but that just means you got such an awesome gift someone else thought to get it too :)

He loves vehicles, BUSES, airplanes, cars, TRAINS (ask him to choo choo for you lol), Mickey, Yo Gabba Gabba, Doggies, stickers, books, peg puzzles, shape sorters. imaginative play stuff, like tools, anything he can take apart and put together!

He wears a 2t, I put a pretty big dent in clothing when I ran into a sale but it never hurts to have more!!!  Plus I'm a sucker for cute clothes!! ESPECIALLY cute hoodies lol

He wears a size 6 shoe but I would say go with a 7, cause he has plenty of 6 shoes right now and I'm afraid his foot is going to grow again and I wont have 7's lol... unless they're CROCS!! I got really disappointed cause I just bought him size 6/7 crocs and he can't use them cause they're too small. I thought he would love them cause he likes putting shoes on.  oh well.

We're taking him to toys r' us on his birthday to pick out a present, so if you cant think of anything to get him you can contribute to him picking out his own gifts!! I'll make sure to write you and tell you what he picks out!

But like I said we appreciate anything, and he's not picky at all, he got David's shoe box and puts his blocks and "top secret" toys in there.  Carries it around, empties it, brings it to us to play with him, and, that's just a shoe box, so anything is fine!!

More Specific stuff, that's probably more on the expensive side, so i'm not really expecting it, but if you happen to see a sale or something lol

scooter, potty, cozy coupe, plasma car, pillow rider (all things he has been eyeing, minus the potty lol)

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Declan's "2" Pics

Hello!  Well this is only phase one, we have a special photoshoot we're probably doing on his birthday but it's "top secret" (ok I blabbed about it to a couple of friends) but it's kinda a surprise/present for someone close to Declan so we're keeping it hush hush :) (at least until is birthday because I dont think I'll be able to refrain from posting, I almost cried today just when we tried out the props/costume)

Ok now let me just say, I've been doing photography for quite a while now, and I will just tell you that adult and babies are so easy to shoot! lol  2 year olds are the WORST... It's not easy, they're at the stage where they don't understand bribes (Like if you sit still and smile you get a lollipop), they don't laugh and squeal at my little squeaker duck like babies do, and heaven forbid if you're trying to take them in a new place, they want to be independent, explore, and do what they want to do. This was def a group effort from David and I, lots of work, lots of time, and a shortage of energy after, but we were happy with our results!

I first have to say, this is a before and after of this pic, and I am getting way better at photoshop, watching tutorials is starting to pay off big time... this picture was my big idea, though it's not exactly what I was striving for it turned out pretty well, I love the banner, suit, balloons and scenery!!! Though the place was dirty and it was a little upsetting, I realized after a min of freak out that it added character, and he's a boy, what do I really expect!

This one is David's favorite, he said it reminds him of a western movie when they have the straw in their mouth, instead there is a lollipop:)
This one was all David's creativity, and I LOVE IT
He was having lots of fun with the balloons, kept letting them go and catching them
Seriously how handsome is he?
Still playing!! 
This one is my favorite!! 

Now for the sad part.....
I handed him a flower, he LOVES flowers, almost as much as balloons, but he let go of his balloons, and this time I couldn't catch them when he let go of them :(

David did a great job of capturing the emotion behind this traumatic and devastating time for Declan, but it was really heart breaking, he's not a big crier, he really hasn't ever known pain either, but he seriously looked like his little heart was broken :( 

We were done, my poor little guy!