Friday, March 9, 2012

New Years Resolution

So back at the begining of the year my Bestie and I exchange our resolutions.  (cliche I know but bear with me, it does have a point) Mine were to lose weight (another cliche), actually learn to read and write crochet patterns, get my website going for my business and advertise in the neighborhood paper in hopes of having a steady flow of business come in, and to keep up with a blog.  Well I have lost a little weight just by walking Declan (my son) to the park everyday and trying portion control, I really do need to step it up in that department, but something is better than nothing right?  I have also been having steady business in photography (by word of mouth, I have been having a good flow of shoots).  Learning to read and write crochet patterns seems easy, but I'm uninterested in taking the time at the moment to do so, crocheting is a lot of work and everytime I make something I swear I get a million people wanting it!  It is very very very flattering (seriously I take pride in my work and love when people love the outcome), dont get me wrong, but I dont think people realize the effort behind it, it takes tons of time, and a bit of money.  I have always very much appreciate the gester of handmade gifts (ask anyone close to me when they ask me what I want for christmas or my bday, I always say a personalized CD of music, because it's another passion of mine and I love to hear what people pick).  But on the other hand home made gifts like the diaper cakes I got at my baby shower, I received 3 and was SO thrilled people took the time to make me something.  I didnt realize how much time went into it all until I made my own.  And after I had no idea how much money went into it also (not that gifts or how much you appreciate them should be based on price)... I had always percieved handmade gifts as the "cheaper" but more thoughtful option of gift giving.  I'm here to tell you it's anything but that.  Let's take people who keep telling me I should open an etsy store (which I thought at one point I wanted to do) Lets say I charge 25 for an angry bird hat and 5 for shipping...  lets say it takes me about 8-10 hours to make, each color costs about 3 dollars and there is red, yellow, white, black, and red (but the beauty part is if I have the color or another person buys the same hat I can make a few hats off of it and not lose the cost of yarn. So I dont mind if friend of people I made something for want one too and want to pay cause I already have the supplies and it's profit)  So that's 15 dollars, so what I'm charging minus the yarn cost is 25-15= 10. Then lets say it takes me 10 hours to make, that's a dollar an hour!!!!  Granted I do it while watching re-runs of Grey's anatomy after Declan has been put to bed, so I'm technically getting paid to watch TV, but still.  I much rather have it as an offer with my newborn shoots and gifts for friends and family.  I am very crafty and like to make/do/try new things whether is recipies, sewing, photography, crocheting, and I dont want to put all my efforts into one thing.  I am a jack of all trades I guess, though sometimes I do wish I was a master of something. 

Which brings me to blogging.  I am a many passion kind of girl, I love music, I love crafts, I love photography, I love love love love love love love love being a mommy, and I really love that David supports everything I do, and sometimes encourages and believes in me more than I do, crocheting started out as his idea, I was thinking it was way to hard to learn.  But before there was all of this I tried to write a book and I've always loved writing and poetry.  I was that geeky kid with a little note book jotting things down to remember to add to my writing later, so a blog just seems to fit.  My mom wanted my major to be creative writing and drama cause I was good (not bragging, and if you know me you know I'm very self concious so it takes a lot for me to "praise" myself), and very passionate at both, but I always believed those types of things (no matter how good you are) you excell only if you know someone to get your foot in the door, or else people like *insert really bad actor who you know wouldn't ever even be considered if it was not who they know* would not be allowed to act. But, on the flip side I'm not the best at grammar, though I try to be a stickler about it, that is something for some reason, that never really came easy to me.  Unlike math and science which I excelled in and understood very well. English was probably my worst subject, though creative writing was a weird exception to that, and I love to read.  I always figured you cant have one without the other, maybe you can, or maybe I'm an exception.  

So with all that I am going to try (once again) to have a blog.  I hope you enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Oops there was a typo I listed "red" twice in the colors haha
