Saturday, June 9, 2012


So I have been absent... I apologize! You can see the reason I was HERE.

I have a lot of making up to do but I'll do it slowly. I will eventually post everything I promised, but a lot of events are coming up... father's day, my birthday, fourth of July, so I'll post them when "excitement" wears down a bit and I'm running out of things to post.  lol

Today (well yesterday) I did a photoshoot of a wedding (my first!).  It was LONG! haha

Well things pilled up, the priest was way late, my battery died (those who know me know I'm a planner but I didn't know I was actually doing it til a week before and there was no guarantee that the battery would come in time unless I paid 40 bucks in next day shipping...not happening... so I just took 30 min to charge while I took a "break" and stayed later.) It was stressful all around. Not to mention I left Declan with David and he's never watched him solo that long without me!

I do still have a lot to learn about photography.  I've seen better and I've seen worse.  Which is why what I charge is in the middle, it's very fair, gives me experience and give people good pictures... and maybe 1 or 2 great ones lol.

So in doing the wedding I was pleased I had a lot of great pictures!!  But then, cause of course my life is never perfect and will not be the same without any drama, I put the SD card in and BAM! I "lost" pictures!  I was near tears, barged in David's room and pleaded with him to fix it (I love him so much for putting up with me, but hey let's face it, I put up with him too)! He did find them, but after I remembered where my computer probably stored them (my comp did something when I put it in but I was too tired to care, but the realization hit me later).

So now a sneak peek

This one is my favorite so far, and they weren't even posing for me lol 

This one is unedited but I can't wait to work with it! Priceless :) 

And now I sleep... goodnight world! 

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